
Kevin vs karen
Kevin vs karen

kevin vs karen

Kevin's family arrives for Christmas at the Plaza Hotel after Kevin reunites with his mom and his family, but his father gets enraged that he had spent a lot of money on room service. The cops then arrest the two after Kevin sets off fireworks. The Pigeon Lady throws pigeon food onto the two burglars and they get attacked by swarms of pigeons. Chasing him into Central Park, the two attempt to shoot Kevin, but the revolver is covered in lacquer wood stain which the two got covered in earlier and won't fire. After Kevin discovers that the Pigeon Lady is actually a very nice person and is not scary at all, Kevin booby traps the entire place and foils the robbers, but they get to Kevin before he can escape.

kevin vs karen kevin vs karen

Kevin then goes to the home of his uncle, which is under renovation while they are away and still in Paris since the previous film. Out for revenge, the two attempt to kill Kevin, but he defeats them by using his surroundings to his advantage. However, Marv and Harry, now renamed "The Sticky Bandits", have also arrived in New York via fish truck and escaped from a prison in Chicago during a prison riot and discover that Kevin is alone and lost in New York City. He decides to enjoy his time in the biggest city in the country, so he lives it up and gets a suite at the Plaza Hotel. Kevin is alone, but has his father's money in his bag. In the sequel, the family decides to head to warm Florida for Christmas instead, but Kevin mistakenly follows a man who looks like his father onto a plane bound for New York City. The two are then arrested as Kevin's family comes home for Christmas morning, where he acts like nothing happened during the week as Kevin sees Old Man Marley reuniting with his son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter at the window and Buzz becomes shocked about his room wrecked by Kevin. Kevin, without any protection, decides to booby trap the entire house and the two, despite being horribly disfigured by Kevin's torment, the two capture Kevin in a house that they had already robbed, but before they can kill him, Old Man Marley beats the two into unconsciousness with a snow shovel. "The Wet Bandits", target his lavish house to be robbed. Things get worse when two dimwitted yet violent criminals, Harry and Marv a.k.a. Kevin has fun without the ever present nuisance of his family, but he slowly grows lonely, until he discovers that Old Man Marley is actually a very nice man and the rumors about him are never true. One Christmas, his family leaves for Paris and accidentally leaves him behind. He is subject to ridicule by his older siblings, mostly Buzz. At age eight, Kevin is the youngest of five children (his brothers and sisters are Buzz, Megan, Linnie and Jeff) born to Peter and Kate McCallister and he has six cousins (counting one who is a daughter not of Frank McCallister, but of Rob).

Kevin vs karen